New Pub: Tools Designed to Support Self-Regulated Learning in Online Learning Environments: A Systematic Review

New Pub: Tools Designed to Support Self-Regulated Learning in Online Learning Environments: A Systematic Review

Higher Education, Journal, Learning Analytics, Self-Regulation
Self-regulated learning (SRL) is a crucial higher-order skill required by learners of the 21st century, who will need to become lifelong learners to adapt to the continually changing environments. Literature provides examples of tools for scaffolding SRL in online environments. In this study, we provide the state-of-the-art concerning tools that support SRL in terms of theoretical models underpinning development, supported SRL processes, tool functionalities, used data and visualizations. We reviewed 42 articles published between 2008 and 2020, including information from 25 tools designed to support SRL. Our findings indicate that (1) many of the studies do not explicitly specify the SRL theoretical model used to guide the design process of the tool; (2) goal setting, monitoring, and self-evaluation are the most prevalent SRL processes supported through functionalities such as content…
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zugehOERt Podcast 081: Learning Analytics und OER

zugehOERt Podcast 081: Learning Analytics und OER

Assessment, General education, Learning Analytics, Learning Design, Press, Webinar
Im Gespräch mit Susanne Grimm führt Ioana Jivet an das Thema Learning Analytics heran und geht auf dessen Mehrwert für Lehrende und Lernende auch im Hinblick auf eine mögliche Bedeutung für den größeren Nutzen von OER ein. Ioana Jivet ist seit 2021 assoziierte Wissenschaftlerin im EduTec-Team am DIPF. Als Postdoktorandin in der Einrichtung studiumdigitale der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt ist sie als Forschungskoordinatorin wissenschaftlicher Forschungsanteile der laufenden Projekte: HIKOF und IMPACT tätig. Im Rahmen des Hessen Hub – Netzwerk digitale Hochschullehre Hessen leitet sie das Schwerpunktthema Trusted Learning Analytics. Den Podcast hier anhören  
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Webinar: What happens when students get to choose indicators on customisable dashboards?

Webinar: What happens when students get to choose indicators on customisable dashboards?

Conference, Higher Education, Learning Analytics, Webinar
Learning analytics dashboards (LADs) are essentially feedback tools for learners. However, until recently, learners rarely have had a role in designing LADs, especially in deciding the information they would like to receive through such devices. Although learners might not always know what they need to self-manage their learning, we need to understand what type of feedback information and dashboard features they are likely to engage with and if, when, and how they use dashboards. To explore how LADs can better meet the needs of learners, we have embarked on two sets of studies aiming to understand students' information needs. In the first set of studies, we developed a customisable LAD for Coursera MOOCs on which learners can set goals and choose feedback indicators to monitor. We then analysed the learners'…
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Workshop on Culturally Aware Human-Centred Learning Analytics (CARLA) at EC-TEL2021

Workshop on Culturally Aware Human-Centred Learning Analytics (CARLA) at EC-TEL2021

General education, Learning Analytics, Workshop
Learning analytics (LA) have been implemented in various countries, often at a limited scale. We have also seen that LA have been used in different ways in different countries. This makes the transfer of LA solutions from one country to another challenging, due to varying contextual, technical, and cultural factors. In an increasingly international educational landscape, how and to what extent should the LA community take into account cultural factors in order to make a relevant impact (i.e., improve learning) at scale? What opportunities are offered by LA technologies to consider learners’ cultural preferences and values, and how can we design culturally aware LA services which account for these values? These were some of the questions we aimed to answer during the Culturally Aware Human-Centred Learning Analytics (CARLA) workshop which…
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