
New pub: Using Accessible Motion Capture in Educational Games for Sign Language Learning

New pub: Using Accessible Motion Capture in Educational Games for Sign Language Learning

Conference, Multimodal Learning Analytics
A new publication will be presented at the EC-TEL conference 2023 in Aveiro, Portugal. "Using Accessible Motion Capture in Educational Games for Sign Language Learning" Abstract Various studies show that multimodal interaction technologies, especially motion capture in educational environments, can significantly improve and support educational purposes such as language learning. In this paper, we introduce a prototype that implements finger tracking and teaches the user different letters of the German fingerspelling alphabet. Since most options for tracking a user’s movements rely on hardware that is not commonly available, a particular focus is laid on the opportunities of new technologies based on computer vision. These achieve accurate tracking with consumer webcams. In this study, the motion capture is based on Google MediaPipe. An evaluation based on user feedback shows that…
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New Publication: Contextualized Logging of On-Task and Off-Task Behaviours During Learning

New Publication: Contextualized Logging of On-Task and Off-Task Behaviours During Learning

Journal, Open access, Publication, Report, Technical paper
We are happy to announce the publication of our latest research paper that delves into the intricate relationship between digital media usage and the learning experience. The paper addresses key challenges related to monitoring on-task and off-task behavior and suggests innovative solutions for a more effective and ethical study of learners' media habits.Traditionally, researchers have faced a myriad of challenges in accurately gauging how students utilize digital media while learning. Self-reported data often suffer from issues like faulty memory, subjective perceptions, and bias. Understanding whether digital media use enhances or hinders the learning experience is an incredibly complex issue. We identified and addressed four core challenges in logging digital media use during learning: The logging system must only be active during the learning period to capture relevant data. Data collection…
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Workshop: “Anwendungsfelder von (KI-) Lerntechnologien” Klausurtagung Landesamt für Schule und Bildung Sachsen

Workshop: “Anwendungsfelder von (KI-) Lerntechnologien” Klausurtagung Landesamt für Schule und Bildung Sachsen

Transfer Activity, Workshop
Auf der 2. Klausurtagung des Landesamts für Schule und Bildung Sachsen, die am 22. und 23. August 2023 in Meißen stattfand, leitete Onur Karademir einen Workshop mit dem Titel "Anwendungsfelder von (KI-) Lerntechnologien". Der Schwerpunkt lag auf den Gelingensbedingungen für den Transfer von Bildungsinnovationen im Bereich EdTech in Schulen. Im Rahmen des Workshops wurden verschiedene Lerntechnologien im Bildungskontext vorgestellt, darunter Intelligente Tutorensysteme (ITS), Teacher-Dashboards sowie automatische Freitextauswertung und Feedback-Generierung. Besonderes Augenmerk lag auf der Diskussion des Potenzials von ITS und Adaptiven Lernsystemen. Diese Werkzeuge bieten die Möglichkeit zur skalierbaren Binnendifferenzierung, indem sie individuelles Lernen in eigenem Tempo und auf individuellem Niveau während Selbstlernphasen ermöglichen. Ein praktisches Beispiel für Teacher Dashboards wurde am Projekt AFLEK erläutert mit dem Learning Analytics Cockpit (LA Cockpit). Das LA Cockpit soll Lehrkräfte bei der Lernstandsdiagnose der…
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Common Purpose zu Gast beim DIPF (KI in der Bildung: Chancen und Risiken für die Gesellschaft)

Common Purpose zu Gast beim DIPF (KI in der Bildung: Chancen und Risiken für die Gesellschaft)

Transfer Activity
Sebastian Gombert und Onur Karademir, Forscher am DIPF im Bereich KI in der Bildung und Learning Analytics, leiteten am 18. Juli 2023 unseren Workshop "Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildung: Chancen, Herausforderungen für die Gesellschaft". Ziel war es, Schlüsselfragen anzugehen: Wie unterstützen KI-getriebene Lerntechnologien Lehren und Lernen? Welche Forschungsbeispiele illustrieren Möglichkeiten und Grenzen? Wie können wir mit KI-Sprachmodelle wie GPT oder LLaMA automatisiert wirksames Feedback erstellen? Welche Potenziale und Risiken ergeben sich aus KI-gestützter Bildungstechnologie? Nach einem kurzen Impuls durch Forschungs- und Praxisbeispiele traten Teilnehmende in den Fokus und berichteten über Ihre Perspektiven und Herausforderungen zu dem Thema. English Version: Sebastian Gombert and Onur Karademir, researchers at DIPF in the area of AI in Education and Learning Analytics, led our workshop "Artificial Intelligence in Education: Opportunities, Challenges for Society" on July…
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New Pub: How well does teacher education prepare for teaching with technology?

New Pub: How well does teacher education prepare for teaching with technology?

Competence development, Digitalisation, Empirical Study, Higher Education, Journal, Open access, Publication
Despite large-scale investments into the technological infrastructure of K-12 education, research has repeatedly shown that many teachers lack the expertise to effectively incorporate technology into classroom teaching. To support teachers in this, there is a need to understand how and when the relevant knowledge develops during teacher training. To this end, Joshua Weidlich and Marco Kalz conducted a study at Heidelberg University of Education, sampling prospective teachers (N = 526) and analyzing their self-reported technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) across the seven dimensions of the framework. Specifically, they assessed (1) the extent to which students more advanced in their studies reported higher TPACK, (2) the effect of gender on these trajectories, and (3) the potential role of curricular cornerstones of the teacher education program. Regarding (1), they found that not…
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GREAT project featured in the Global Young Academy magazine

GREAT project featured in the Global Young Academy magazine

DIPF member and GREAT project manager, Dr. Jane Yau, is also a member of the Global Young Academy (2022-27), where its mission is giving a voice to young scientists around the world. In 2022-2023, she was the co-editor of the Connections Magazine, which is an annual magazine of the Global Young Academy, featuring peer-reviewed articles of its members. This year’s magazine explores the theme “Innovative Technologies for improved well-being”. The magazine is additionally circulated at working events attended by the Global Young Academy office team, for example, those organised by The World Academy of Sciences and European Young Academies etc. As co-Editor-at-Large, Jane also wrote an article about “Technological innovations for advancing quality education, gender equality and climate action”. The following excerpt has been taking from the article. Quality Education…
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MILKI-PSY Consortial Meeting in Berlin

MILKI-PSY Consortial Meeting in Berlin

Project meeting
The fourth face-to-face meeting of the MILKI-PSY research consortium took place on July 12 and 13, 2023 at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence in Berlin. The DIPF members: Dr Daniele Di Mitri, Dr Jan Schneider, Gianluca Romano and Fernando P. Cardenas-Hernandez shared their progress on how to address the technical and mental aspects of athletes' learning process through technologies such as Inertial-Measurement-Unit-sensors and Virtual-Reality-headsets. In the same context, they also exchanged ideas with the other project partners, led by Prof. Dr. Roland Klemke of the Cologne Game Lab of TH Cologne, on how to create, integrate and evaluate a common psychomotor training environment and plan future studies in this field.               
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Job advert: two student assistant openings in HyTea project

Job advert: two student assistant openings in HyTea project

Job announcements, Project
  In the context of the HyTea project we are looking for two student assistants to join the EduTec team for approximately 40 to 80 hours per month for initially 12 months. You can also check the position description on the DIPF website. [pdf-embedder url="" title="Hiwi-IZB 2023-07_EduTec-HyTea_EN"]  
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GREAT project presentation

GREAT project presentation

Invited talk
On 10-11 July 2023, a representative of the GREAT project was invited to give a plenary talk at the “Young Minds in Technology Advancements” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, which is the Science and Education Leadership Training event for young scientists at the Malaysian Young Academy. For the purpose of this event, Jane developed a plenary talk titled “Achieving 21st Century Education and Skills to advance Sustainable Development Goals”, which was presented by Dr. Sri Fatmawati from the Global Young Academy, as Jane could not be in-person at the event. The plenary talk included the following: - What 21st century skills and sustainable development goals are. - How education needs to be transformed to advance sustainable development. - How technologies can increase access to education. - Some disadvantages of technologies such as addiction,…
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Dr. Eyal Rabin from the Open University of Israel joins EduTec group and GU as an International Visiting Fellow

Dr. Eyal Rabin from the Open University of Israel joins EduTec group and GU as an International Visiting Fellow

Computational Psychometrics, Learning Analytics, Research Methods
We are delighted to announce that Dr. Eyal Rabin, a distinguished researcher in the field of educational technology, has joined us as an International Visiting Fellow at the EduTec group at DIPF and Goethe University in Frankfurt from July till September. This fellowship is generously funded by the Goethe University and aims to foster collaborative research and knowledge exchange in the field of educational technology. Dr. Rabin serves as a research associate at the Center of Innovation in Educational Technology at the Open University of Israel. His research expertise lies in exploring the complexities of learning in online courses and digital environments, employing learning analytics methods (LA) and drawing from multiple interdisciplinary fields, including psychology, education and computer science. The focus of Dr. Rabin's research revolves around understanding the factors…
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